Thursday 7 June 2007


Good to see Ledley King and Paul Robinson distinguishing themselves for England. It was a pretty comfortable match overall, but I think each of them made positive contributions - especially Robinson coming out quickly to close down one of Estonia's chances.

In the meantime, 4 straight days on my own at the office has led to an odd relationship with work. It is the story of my whole time working for this company: I'd have thought that I've been working alone for at least half of the days I've been there, which covers about 20 months. I'd quite like to know what it's like to have lots of colleagues.

Friday 1 June 2007

Sitting alone in the office, laughing out loud

This made me do it - specifically, the bit with the new, stripped down, Fox News "Look" channel, which: "repeats every 15 seconds, features more and simpler imagery, and forgoes the use of verbal language in favor of newscasters who gesture emphatically at video clips and hoot in approval or growl in derision, depending on the story."

The Onion: one of my favourite things [to do while mooching on my own at work].